Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tied to a Sweetheart

I have the best Valentine anyone ever had. His name is Kelly. We've known each other now for 25 years, and it seems like each day is better than the last. He came into my life at a very painful time for me, and I'm certain that without him, I would have never made it through. He was there for me when there was no one else. We always got along very well and I've shared countless laughs with him. Kelly is an extremely special person. He would (and has) given his last dollar to anyone he believes needs it. He constantly finds ways to do kind things - not just for me, but for people he meets every day.

Kelly has run pro shops in bowling centers all his life and is a crack mechanic on the machines as well. When he worked at the Cove Bowl, people from all over the Northwest would come in to have him drill their bowling ball, because no one can give you a better fit. And I can't begin to tell you the number of folks who've brought in their balls for him to plug and re-drill because they made the mistake of having someone else drill it!

Kelly became very, very ill in 2001 and almost died. He has never fully recovered and has never been able to return to work. So he spends his days doing things for other people. In the winter, he snow blows the entire block before anyone steps out the door for work. Once he came to pick me up from work. It was snowing quite steadily and had been for some time. He got out of the car into the driving snow and proceeded to clear all of the snow from the ladies windshields just before they left for the day. Whenever it was particularly cold outside, he would stop by my office shortly before the end of the day, start my car and let it warm up, so that when I came out, my car was toasty warm for the trip home.

Since he can't work anymore, he's spent countless days studying computers, and he's become an expert in that field. He's put together slide shows for my girlfriends whenever they've needed them, come to several of my co-workers' rescue when their computer has "gone down", and took pictures and put together a wonderful video of my 30th high school reunion, all musically choreographed.

I haven't touched the tip of the iceberg regarding the things this man has done for me and countless others. He never asks for anything in return and actually acts a little offended on occasion if you try to reimburse him in some way for his trouble. I am absolutely convinced that he's an angel on earth. How I ever got lucky enough to have him for a husband is beyond me. I cannot ever begin to give him everything he's given me. He has been a savior to me and will forever be my knight in shining armour. I love him more than words can say and I always will. He is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me. I will never be able to adequately express my love and gratitude for him. I am truly tied to a sweetheart! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, MY DARLING MAN!!


  1. Lovely post... we were on the same wavelength. I did a similar post about Everett.
    I have really enjoyed spending time catching up on your blog. This "tie" theme hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be.
