Monday, February 15, 2010

Tied to the Holidays

I love Monday holidays because it means I get an extra day off work. That sounds selfish, I know, but since I've been pretty much working since I was 16 years old, it's nice to get an extra day off once in awhile. I always try to observe the holiday in one way or another. For instance, today I watched a series of documentaries on the Presidents. It only went up to Lincoln, but then I appreciated that because I know very little about the first 16 presidents. It was interesting, and I enjoyed it. I think I even learned a bit about our first leaders; things I wasn't aware of prior to watching the show. It was interesting. I am thankful for Monday holidays, and I will continue to look forward to them and the fact that my extra days off are tied to these holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, these Mondays are a gift. Good for you for making it educational. I read an article about our current president. Does that count? lol.
