Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Speechless, Or....

When Carson, my grandson, came to visit a few years ago, he and my husband, his poppy, quickly became the best of friends. Each day, they would go out for a little adventure. Some days, it would be a trip around town so Carson could inspect all of the fire hydrants, expertly painted to look like little nutcrackers. Sometimes, they just took the dog for a walk (which was quite a feat for a 4 year old when the dog weighed about 80 pounds!), and some days, they went fishing down at the slough.

One particular Saturday, about noon, Carson and Poppy decided it was time to go out again and see what they could find. Carson's mom and I had been lazily watching movies all morning and still had our pajamas on. As they started out the door, Poppy told Carson to "ask Gamma why she doesn't get dressed and go outside with you". Without hesitation, Carson whirled around on one foot, pointed a little finger my way and said "YES, GAMMA, GET DWESSED! Because NO ONE wikes to see you naked!"

Need I say it? I was absolutely TONGUE-TIED!

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