Friday, August 19, 2011


Good grief, it's been 8 months since I've posted anything to this blog! It's not that I haven't thought about posting, it's just that I couldn't think of anything much to post about. I still don't have anything earth-shattering to say, but I want to get that last post off the page, or at least a little lower down! I don't THINK I went crazy, for pete's sake (not that I've ever been totally sane). Maybe I should give a brief synopsis of how the year has progressed thus far:

My daughter, her son and their dog moved in with us just before Christmas last year. Understand that my house is about 900 square feet, and you can imagine the fun we all have stumbling over one another! I do very much enjoy having them with us. They keep life very interesting, which is something I need, considering how easily moved I am to boredom! This was not a voluntary move on Carly's part. She simply found it necessary to leave her position at work, and never DREAMED how difficult it would be to re-gain employment! She's had what seems like countless interviews - three, four, even FIVE interviews with a single company, only to find that she had ultimately been passed over by each employer! I can't imagine her frustration at this point, nor can I fathom why no one has hired her to date! She has a brilliant mind and a pleasant demeanor...A perfect candidate for any business (perhaps as her mother, I'm biased :))

In April of this year, Carly had a very serious illness which came near to taking her life. Fortunately, the doctors were able to correct her problem after what turned out to be a three or four hour surgery. She is still woefully thin and hasn't quite determined what foods she can eat without spending the rest of the evening or next day in bed!

Spring was practically non-existent here this year, with more rain than I thought was possible! It's been only within the last month or two that we've really enjoyed summer weather. I do hope summer will linger awhile after Labor Day this year.

On Wednesday of this week, a hillside just south of town caught fire, and for several hours, we all wondered whether our little town would go up in flames! It burned just over 17 acres, but was brought under control (for the most part) that evening, thanks to the valiant efforts of the Forest Service and firefighters from all over our little valley. I for one am extremely grateful to these brave folks for saving our little burg!

I'm hanging in there from day to day, as most folks are in the area. Is it possible for a person to go into a recession, as our country has done? I don't think I'm depressed, but I'm certainly not the happiest person on the planet!

Perhaps the saddest thing that's happened is that my son Josh and his wife Tia have separated. Josh is also currently unemployed following a few ventures in Vegas that didn't quite pan out. He seems to be having the same luck Carly, as well at a little over 9% (seasonally adjusted :)) of the people in our country, are having at the present time. Life is no bowl of cherries for anyone, it seems!

And so, we look forward to the rest of 2011. Hopefully, good things will soon be happening again on all fronts. Until that time, count your blessings and keep your nose clean!