Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Does It Take??

Just what's it gonna take for me to get on this blog each and every day and post something fun, inspiring, thought-provoking or profound? How does one come up with a topic, each and every day, and be able to post it in an entertaining manner? What will it take to open this mind and pour forth joyful, creative ideas that I know for certain are locked inside?

I wish I could dream when I post. I have the most wonderful dreams! I'm always coming up with fantastic ideas (a little strange, but fantastic!) For instance, just the other night, I dreamed that my longtime friend IEG went into the hospital for surgery. It wasn't due to any kind of life-threatening issue, thank the Lord, but it was one of those pesky repair-type surgeries that you don't want to have but decide it's best in the long run to have it. Anyway, she was a little anxious about the whole thing. Somehow, she lived close enough so that I and all her facebook friends were able to visit her in the hospital. I got this great idea to throw her a pre-surgery shower....
About 2 hours before her scheduled surgery, as she was settling into her room, all of us set out to surprise and (hopefully) cheer her up. I went in first (her sister, SVG, was already there). I brought several helium balloons and lots of crepe paper. Her brother, along with countless other friends and family filtered in close behind me, with funny cards, encouraging wall posters and tons of gifts. Eventually, the cake arrived. We pulled IEG's bed out to the middle of floor (with her in it) We crowded around (about 3 layers deep) to watch her open her gifts. She was elated! People were cracking her up, she got countless fun gifts to look forward to following her surgery. Some folks brought their guitars and we all sang songs. It was great!! Eventually the nurses arrived, bustling about, trying to insert her IV's and sedate her for surgery. They were not at all pleased at the crowd, but IEG was in such high spirits that they didn't dare chase us out. And we were treated to a very amusing IEG as the sedation took effect.
As my dream ended, they were rolling her out of the room and down the hall - the helium balloons we tied to her bed wafting in the breeze, waving to us on her behalf. Someone was playing the theme song to "Rocky" in the background.....

When I awoke, it occurred to me that throwing a surgery shower for a person would be a strangely awesome idea! The idea of undergoing ANY kind of surgery is concerning and sometime even traumatizing for a person...A surgery shower should be an entitlement, like a wedding or baby shower. A person undergoing surgery DESERVES a nice warm send-off, with promises that they will be better soon. When better to give a person your support, encouragement, prayers and good wishes? When better to make them feel like a hero!?

A surgery shower would be a celebration in honor of the person - to convey to them that they are loved and supported. A little extra strength to get them through a tough time.

Wish I knew someone who was preparing for surgery. I would TOTALLY be there, fairly floating under the helium balloons, countless friends drifting happily behind me.....

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