Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Never A Dull Moment At The Cube Farm!

I've spent the better part of my working life serving with a government agency. In addition to nearly 22 years at my current job, I spent nearly 8 years with the federal government - 3 of them were served overseas. My job is NEVER boring, but I think the most memorable moments have occurred in these last few years. To give you some idea of what recent days on the job have been like, let me share just a few questions we've received today. These are actual questions received by some of my co-workers, and some on the answers I would LOVE to give, if I had taken the call:

1. Can you tell me what my checking account number is? (Yes, big brother really IS watching you!)

2. I want to look at the jobs on your website, but I don’t want to have to pay the $9.00 fee. Could you tell me if you have any Diesel Mechanic jobs? (Could you tell me when we started charging a $9.00 fee?)

3. When does the new Ethanol plant open? (HMMMM....ETHANOL PLANT???),

And MY favorite:

4. I went to have my PIN reset through your website, but it sent it to my email address and that won’t work because I only check my email every two years or so.

I LOVE MY JOB!!! Let's hope the economy takes a turn for the better SOON!!

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