Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meet "Sticks"

Yesterday. my sweet, new little granddaughter Sophie turned 1 month old. She is still very tiny and she still sleeps a lot, but as you can see, she took time during her nap to send a little smile to her maw-maw.
She got off to a rocky start. Probably because she was a month early, she became a little jaundiced and had to spend some time in the "tanning bed", as her dad called it. It wasn't long though before she was off and running, and now she's learning all about the joy of livin'!

She caught on right away to relaxin' with daddy on the couch!

She and mama enjoy spending time during the day just visiting and letting big sister Maris practice her picture-taking skills...

Of course, that's when Maris isn't spending time perfecting her championship bowling skills!

She always has time to do a little clowning with her daddy, though......

Sophie has acquired a nickname - "Sticks"... Or, as I've been told, "Twigs", when sister Maris can't remember exactly what it is. I was not thrilled with the nickname at first. Sophie is such a beautiful name and it fits her so well. Sticks sounds more like a name for a back-room pool hustler. She came by it honestly enough; her baby legs are so small and thin, they look like a couple of little sticks.

The more I think about the name though, the more I like it. You can't think of her and say it without smiling! Right now, we're all wondering if the name will 'stick'. I wonder what she'll think of it when she gets older? Can you imagine? First day of school, her teacher smiles and asks "And what is your name?" to which she replies, "Sticks - And don't you forget it!"

1 comment:

  1. She is such a beautiful baby. I wonder if Sticks will stick too. If so she will probably have to introduced to the band Stix and have their songs sung at her wedding. lol!
