Sunday, February 8, 2009


You know, I really don't mind winter. It's just that it's a season that overstays its welcome. Winter is welcome at my house from Thanksgiving Day until January 1st. At that point, it should take its leave and head back to the North Pole with Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman and Santa.
The tree pictured above sits outside of my office. This is evidence, strangely beautiful as it is, that Jack Frost is rabid. That, or out of winter boredom, he's gone all Andy Warhol on us. I've seen a good, thick frost before, but this is malicious!! Those long, spiky crystals make that sweet little tree look like it's been taken over by a hoard of wooly caterpillars! It's fascinating and beautiful, but let's get on with it! I'm ready for a spring thaw!!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more... Old Man Winter has worn out his welcome at my house. If I have to slip and slide one more morning to my car and then from my car to the school door... I may just fall down and stay!!!
