Wednesday, October 5, 2011


In all the hub-bub of daily life, it hadn't occurred to me until just now that I've passed 100 posts on this little blog! My goodness! To think this started out as a way to document my journey through a very difficult time in my life! Although the entries have been erratic, it is interesting for me to go back and see some of the snippets of my life over the last 3 or so years!

I've already missed a day in my quest to complete 'one post per day' during this month of Blogtoberfest! It didn't slip my mind, either; however, the day slipped away before I could get around to getting it done. I am so grateful that this is not a high-pressure idea where you MUST post something every day. Well, I probably wouldn't have ventured it had THAT been so. I know better than to commit myself to ANYTHING right now. I am learning, however, of the importance of committing to doing certain things you WANT to do, and not just making the MUST do things a priority. And I find that quite enjoyable - knowing that the pleasant, fun, "paisley" part of yourself deserves a place of importance, alongside the necessary mundane tasks of everyday life. I'm starting to realize that there are aspects of my "self" I didn't realize existed....Some fun, surprising, even intimidating things! I am anxious to explore them, to try them on for size. I might actually find that I love this 'late-middle' part of my life!


  1. hello! I just popped by from Blogtoberfest. Keep on blogging on the days you feel you want to do it!

  2. Thanks, Dandelion!! I'll do just that! :) And thanks for stopping by!
