Monday, October 3, 2011

What is this "Blogtoberfest"?

Oh my, what have I done? I feel like I just got on a bus I have no business getting on, but I want to go for the ride! A few days ago while visiting one of my favorite blogs, Fabulously Artsy, I discovered that October is indeed "Blogtoberfest" and she included an invitation to join in. She even designed a cute little button I could (and did) add to my blog, advertising this month-long event. She promises to bring us many wonderful tips and blog-type tricks to make our own corner of the blog-universe more visitor friendly and author-fun! I copied that little code and stuck it right up on my side bar, just because I thought it was sooo cute! It might also remind me to check her blog daily to make sure I get every single snippet she offers, because I feel I know the Stamp Goddess well enough at this point to tell you that SHE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!
I must tell you, however (as you can easily see if you check the LAST time I posted), that I am not exactly a regular blog post-er. I mean, I love the idea of a blog, and I love READING other people's blogs, but when it comes right down to it....Hmmm, turns out I'm just not that full of fun information! I'm pretty sure that if I committed to blogging every day, you'd be getting a weather report, a daily blurb about the mood I'm in, and that's it! As I understand it, however, 'Blogtoberfest' is an opportunity to re-invest yourself in your blog - to learn more about blogging, writing and story telling, and just who can say no to that, I ask you?? I did wonder though, if this was another fantastic creation of the Goddess's, or if there was actually a national/international organization for Blogtoberfest? When in doubt, GOOGLE....right? And SURPRISE, SURPRISE! There are actually several links associated in one way or another with Blogtoberfest. I chose to click on Tinniegirl's link to see what she had to say and LO! I was certainly not disappointed! She invites everyone who would like to sign up for Blogtoberfest. After I read a few of the comments, I lost my head and signed up! I VERY much want to participate in this fun fest (I AM a fun fest type of gal...if you know me, you know that), so I intend to commit to entering SOMETHING here everyday. Something more entertaining than just a weather report (that is, unless my unleashed Id shows up and takes over...Lord knows where we may end up in that case!) Anyway, here's to a wonderful Blogtober!! To all of the folks I have joined, or who may join me in this adventure, I wish you the VERY best of blogging! TAKE MY TICKET, PLEASE! :) THE SEAT NEXT TO ME IS OPEN!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Muddah,

    I discovered your blog via a comment you left on mine that really touched me. I had gone on and on about my issues with chronic pain, and you were so kind! So, thank you so much for that!

    I hear ya' about the blog thing. I only started mine so I could enter challenges and blog candy contests and was absolutely floored when people actually read it! And then some of them became followers! I have sixteen followers!!! lol lol I NEVER expected that to happen!

    I don't know how people find anything to say on their blogs every day. I feel like the most boring old woman on the planet because I have absolutely nothing to say that anyone would be interested in, and the thought of blogging every day gives me a panic attack. But I have to say, I really enjoyed reading yours, and look forward to seeing what else you come up with for Blogtober!

    I envy you your daughter staying with you. Mine was in exactly the same boat for a while in that she was staying with me while looking for a job, and wonders of wonders, she actually found one! Finally! And then, the stinker moved out! Abandoned me! Left me here to mumble to myself all day. Well, I actually told her I wanted her to move because she needed to get away for a number of reasons, including an ex-fiancee who has been making her life hell. So, I really am very excited for her, but man, do I miss her! She's the only person in my life who understands my struggles, and I am extremely lucky to have her. So, I hope the same happens for your daughter, but like I said, I envy you having her there.

    Well, this stranger just wrote you a book! Again, thank you so much for your kindness and good luck with Blogtoberfest!

    Take care,
    Reva (Paper Luvver)
