Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Reluctant Photographer

My husband Kelly is a wonderful photographer. My choice of title here is probaby not totally accurate, because photography has become quite a hobby of his. He's grown to love heading out to find spots pleasing to the eye. And he does have an eye for it! The reluctance comes from his hesitation to show any of his work. And it aggravates me no end! If I had a gift like his, I would be flaunting it EVERYWHERE. I'd probably side my house with my wonderful shots! Several people, strangers and friends alike, have asked if they could have copies of some of his work. He's also been asked to take family photos. His answer is usually "I'm not good enough yet." "I have to get some more practice." Well, I disagree, so I am going to share some recent photos he's taken. And I will continue to do so from time to time. He's not very happy with me, but those of you who know me know that THAT has never stopped me in the past :). And so, I give you.....Photos from the "Reluctant Photographer".....
Here are a few shots he got during a visit down around the Rose Lake area...
A robin comes bearing the promise of spring....

Some snow geese...As reluctant as winter to depart, it seems ~

Here's a shot that really intrigues me. It appears as though Monet captured this shot of a Mallard taking flight.....

Living in a valley surrounded by the Bitterroot Mountains, we don't often see spectacular sunsets. However, our skies do appear to catch fire on occasion....

A full moon on an early spring evening can be particularly beautiful in these old mountains....

And my children wonder why I am so vigorously rooted to this area......


  1. genuinely entertaining blog!
    normally I just dive straight in and start spamming but this really had me engrossed. If I had my own award for 'stuff' you would have won it. Anyway on with the spamming. Please let me know what you think of my artwork...

  2. HEY, eat-a-heaps, thanks so much for visiting my blog! Glad you found it entertaining! Feel free to "spam" my site anytime! I don't "spam", I "blurk"...I used to just lurk, but now that I have a blog, I blurk, which is what I'm going to do right now on your site! Please come back and visit again!

  3. LIL'HELPER! These are really good. Do you have super techie equipment or are you a whiz with point & shoot?

