Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Take a Seat!

Monday arrived and it was time for my next session with Dr. Grant. After meeting with him 2 or 3 times, he gave me a long list of questions that he asked me to complete. After I completed this questionnaire, he used it to determine my "maladies" and gauge their extent. The results? I was suffering from severe depression and severe anxiety. Wow! I was a worse mess than I thought!

I, however, felt like I was definitely making progress. I was learning how to understand my problems and was beginning to realize that my thought patterns (some of which I didn't consciously realize) were contributing to my actions along with my overall mood and feeling of well being. I was also learning about core beliefs and the huge part they play. But I knew I still had work to do because on this particular day, I just wasn't feeling "right". I was also still hacking and coughing 24/7. When Dr. Grant asked me how I was feeling that day, I told him "OK I guess". He asked me just exactly what it was that wasn't OK. After a few moments of thought, all I could come up with was that I was having a BAD hair day. His response? "That's OK...I have hair too". While I had to chuckle at that remark, it failed to erase my sullen mood. I still wasn't feeling really GOOD. It was then that he invited me to "take a seat".
S.E.A.T. is a method that was developed by Dr. Grant. It is very similar to what is referred to as a "Thought Record", something that he'd presented to me the week before. However, S.E.A.T. is simpler to master. While the Thought Record consists of 7 steps, the S.E.A.T. method consists of just 4. Once you learn to understand a little about thoughts, feelings and moods, you have some tools with which to complete a S.E.A.T. And once you master the S.E.A.T., you gain the ability to change the way you think, thus changing the way you feel! It's an amazing concept, but I questioned whether it was something a person could master in a short period of time....

1 comment:

  1. That was all I had to do... click the date and I got the part about leaving a comment. I think I can go in and see how to adjust that, but now I know! More comments to come!!
