Sunday, September 14, 2008

The First Step?

August 12th was my first visit with a "counselor". DS was remarkable. After the first session, I walked through the door of my house to my husband, whose first words were "I thought you were going to counseling!? YOU WENT SWIMMING INSTEAD, DIDN'T YOU?" A reasonable remark, considering my hair was dripping wet. However, my clothes were dry, so WHA????

Have you ever gone to a counselor? Do you KNOW what that's like? If not, I'd wager that you would sweat your ass off, too! (For the record, I'm not sure of the condition of my ass at the time (other than big), but I know my hair was dripping). I believe this was the first time in my life that I was ever TOTALLY HONEST with anyone. I didn't hold one thing back. I let her know it ALL. Even my affair with Mr. Vella, which was possibly the most difficult. I work for the government for Lord's sake. My retirement may rest on whether or not she brands me with the SCARLET LETTER. And I'm not referring to Nathaniel Hawthorne's "A" (as if!! For some government employees, that letter is worn with pride!) Perhaps 20 years from now, the letter will not mean a thing, but for now, it's still an issue, believe me!!)

Still, my loyal husband was there for me with a wringing-wet cloth (I guess my head wasn't wet enough) and words of encouragement. For now though, that big letter "A" still hovers over my head (along with a lot of dripping tap water). As soon as I dry out, I'll write more...

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